Here you will find all the frequently asked questions and answers about the palliative care services provided by the Palliative Team Hochtaunus.
What is palliative care? What is SAPV?
In medicine, a distinction is made between curative (healing) and palliative (alleviating) medicine. Palliative medicine focuses on alleviating symptoms such as pain, nausea, shortness of breath and anxiety, and on improving the quality of life.
The term "palliative" is derived from the Latin word "palliare" (to cover with a cloak). To wrap a cloak around someone in need of protection means to ensure that they are as comfortable as possible despite adverse circumstances and that they feel safe.
Receiving palliative care does not necessarily mean that death is imminent. Instead, it is about improving the quality of life for patients and their families throughout the course of their illness, up to the end of life. Studies have shown that early involvement of palliative care can even extend life in some cases. Many patients report that palliative care has helped them gain new perspectives on their situation.
The acronym SAPV stands for Specialized Outpatient Palliative Care. In contrast to general palliative care (AAPV), which is provided by the primary care physician together with nursing services and hospice services, our team cares for seriously ill patients who require particularly complex care. SAPV patients suffer from severe symptoms, requiring a 24-hour on-call service. We care for our patients at home, in nursing homes, and in hospices.
What is the goal of palliative care?
Palliativmedizin hat die Aufgabe, Sie und Ihre Angehörigen während Ihrer Erkrankung respektvoll zu unterstützen und Ihnen bei der Bewältigung eventueller Probleme zu helfen, so dass Sie ein möglichst hohes Maß an Lebensqualität behalten. Im Verlauf jeder schweren Erkrankung können körperliche Beschwerden auftreten (z.B. Schmerzen, Luftnot, Erschöpfungszustände oder Appetitlosigkeit). Ursachen hierfür können Veränderungen durch die fortschreitende, nicht mehr heilbare Erkrankung oder auch Nebenwirkungen von Medikamenten oder anderen Behandlungen sein. Neben den körperlichen Beschwerden können Sie und Ihre Angehörigen in dieser Zeit durch seelische, soziale und spirituelle Fragen (z. B. durch Ängste, familiäre oder finanzielle Sorgen oder Zweifel am Sinn des Lebens) sehr belastet sein. Eine frühzeitige palliativmedizinische Begleitung trägt dazu bei, dass solche Sorgen angesprochen und gemeinsam mit Ihnen und Ihren Angehörigen Lösungsstrategien entwickelt werden. Bei allem bleibt Ihr Recht auf Selbstbestimmung gewahrt. Sie – und wenn Sie das wünschen – die Ihnen nahestehenden Menschen werden in alle Entscheidungen mit eingebunden.
How does home care work?
We are a team of nurses and doctors who provide palliative medical and nursing care in your home. Depending on your needs, a one-time consultation appointment may be arranged with you, or regular home visits may take place in the case of partial or full care.
During the visit, the current situation and any problems/needs/wishes will be discussed, and if necessary, medication will be adjusted to alleviate your symptoms. In addition, a 24-hour on-call service for crisis situations is available to you at all times under a central telephone number. The goal is to alleviate your symptoms and avoid further hospital stays. If necessary, please speak to your primary care physician or your hospital doctor.
How often do you come for a home visit? Who comes for the home visit?
We come for a home visit regularly once a week; depending on the need, the visit will be conducted by a doctor and a nursing specialist. It is also possible for the nursing specialist to conduct a home visit alone. In case of acute problems or complaints, home visits will be intensified. We cater to the patients' needs and plan the home visits daily as required.
How quickly can you be on-site in emergencies?
We are usually on-site within 30 minutes.
Is my general practitioner still responsible for me? How is coordination between the palliative care team and the general practitioner carried out?
Your general practitioner is still responsible for you, the palliative care team is an additional care support. We regularly update and communicate your general practitioner.
How are my family members involved?
We provide care for patients and their close relatives and loved ones in order to create a good quality of life for all concerned.
Who pays for palliative care?
The costs for palliative care are covered by health insurance companies.
We can provide our services once we receive a medical prescription . This is sometimes issued in the hospital, by the family doctor or by a specialist in private practice.
If the patient's health situation stabilizes, we as an outpatient palliative team must pause our care.
Who prescribes the outpatient nursing service?
The outpatient nursing service is prescribed by the family doctor.
Do I need a nursing service in addition to the palliative care team?
Unlike a nursing service, we do not perform nursing tasks such as washing, dressing, or changing incontinence materials. If nursing care is needed, it is recommended to involve an outpatient nursing service. This can also relieve the burden on family caregivers.
Can you prescribe medical aids?
During our care, we manage the prescription of all medical aids and submit the order directly to medical supply stores. This ensures a short waiting time.
Who prescribes medication?
We take care of prescribing and ordering all medications, relieving the family doctor of this task. Additionally, medications will be delivered directly to your home, saving you time that can be spent with your loved one.
How do dietary needs change during illness?
Eating and drinking are an important factor in our daily lives. The nutrition of a palliative patient changes and is complex. Often there is a loss of appetite and food is no longer well tolerated. For example, nausea, loss of taste, or changes in taste can occur. The emphasis should be on enjoyment. Please contact us, we are happy to advise you.
Opening hours
Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 16:00
Sat - Sun: Emergencies only
Palliativteam Hochtaunus GmbH, Daimlerstraße 12,
61352 Bad Homburg